But you get more points if you have more stunt groups, so less bases is almost encouraged, or am I wrong? For instance, if you have a small team of 20, and five stunt groups instead of four, more points, right? Thought I read that in POWER's competition scoring.
I was under the impression that Level 1 and 2 teams had to have front spots. For example a Level 1 team can have a full extension without a front spot as long as they are supported on both sides. right? and a Level 2 stunt can have a lib with no front spot as long as it is supported on both sides. So can a tiny team have a lib in the center at a full extension if say they have support on the flyer? RULES RULES RULES.
There is no rule about how mnay bases needed to be under a senior level 3, 4, or 5 team. Call USAF and ask about it. The pike-arch basket is considered one trick.
There is no rule about the specific number of bases for a stunt in any level according to the USASF.
It is stated that any EXTENDED stunts must have an additional head and shoulders spotter (meaning a back spot). There is no specification as to whether you need to have one, two or three people as the bases. As long as you have a backspot who's upper-body is not underneath the stunt and who's hands are not underneath the flyer's foot then you could have only one base if you'd like. It does, however, specify the number of CATCHERS required for any type of cradle or dismount from a stunt.
A. Cradles from single based stunts at prep level or above must have a spotter with at least one hand/arm supporting the head and shoulder area through the cradle.
B. Cradles from multi-based stunts at prep level or above must have two catchers and a separate spotter positioned at the head and shoulder area through the cradle.
Rule A is present in ALL levels 1-5 and is specifically talking about partner stunts. With one base underneath the stunt, then you must have one additional catcher that is supporting the head and shoulder area. I'm sure most people have seen this with partner stunting, they have a spotter out there who doesn't help the stunt, but does keep eye contact with the flyer's upper torso, and does help catch.
Rule B is also present in all levels 1-5. This is referring to all girl stunting. If there is more than one base under the stunt then you must have two catchers in addition to a backspot.
I hope this clears everything up. I've never heard of anyone requiring front spots, but I would check with whatever competition company you are attending, they all have their own small variations on these rules.