Different poster, but to add to the last post, let's not assume if someone is making an observation about your gym, if it's negative, it must be a RIVAL gym bashing you. I have posted observations about my OWN gym in hopes that they see it (I know some coaches read the board). You can put a positive spin on a negative comment, and you can learn from what others see. Just open your minds and don't go on the defense everytime you don't like what has been posted about your gym.
This issue here is that Danny was labeling "the girl", that everyone sees at comps, (from other programs), and the girls from Cheergyms.com are somehow better in their demeanor even if they look like "star trek" and I think that the poster was saying....those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Sounds reasonable to me. The post was about cute uniforms and Danny took it elsewhere.
Amen to that. I am always amazed about how quickly these people want to close a thread when they believe people are being negative about them or Cheer Athletics. But let it be any other team from California, (SBE, Cheerforce, Cali, Champion, WCM) they let those post fly. Nobody usually talks about Cheergyms.com because they usually don't play a factor except in small post (talk) like this one but they will get their feathers up in a bunch if you out them in anyway. If they can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen! It is obvious that they're not on the "A list" and don't know how to handle themselves.
I think everyone should back down a little bit on Danny's post. I think it was relevant to the original topic. I have been a fan of cheergyms for years now and my daughter was on a team last year. Danny was just trying to make the point that crop tops do not make for a bad image. It is how you wear them. Cheergyms like many programs try very hard to create an image that is clean. Most of the athletes in these programs respect the rules they are given for competition appearance. At the same time there will always be individuals who try to rebel and test the waters per say. It is up to coach and director of the program to set the tone and let the athlete know that their appearance or behavior is not acceptable. This is a tough task and never ending. But I believe cheergyms does an overall excellent job of presenting a clean image. Are they perfect, no? Will there be the occasional athlete who doesn't represent their program well, yes? or parent? Yes! But I applaud cheergyms and many of the programs out there who really put in an effort to reflect a positive image at cheer competitions. I know there will be people who come back saying, but I saw this or I heard this. So, EVERY, program has things they need to work on.
I think there is a difference in making an observation about a program and being rude. Seriously people will take it personally, regardless of what they say on here or not. You don't log in the hours and put in all that work for somebody to talk crap. Yes people do it all the time, but that doesn't make it right.
I wanted to make a comment that I loved Champion Cheer Outlaws uniforms this past season. Very cute! I would almost say they had the best uniforms in the state. I hope So Cal Elite has uniforms just as good.
Very well said "Listen". Anyone that comes on here and makes a statement like "that's them, we don't do that here" is just opening themselves up for more criticism, and that's exactly what happened. But hopefully now we can all get back to the original topic about cute uniforms (and maybe avoid the whole crop top issue which seems to always turn things nasty for some reason)!
I have to be honest though, in this specific instance (a girl wearing her uniform in the manner Danny described) cheergyms has the most strict dress code I have encountered. The kids are either in their uniforms as if they are about to walk on the floor, or they are wearing their t-shirts and shorts. At travel competitions the kids aren't allowed to wear anything other than official cheergyms clothing. That even means if they want to walk down the hall at the hotel to the vending machine, they MUST be wearing cheergyms apparel (both pants/shorts and top). I know at Motions they also have to wear those clothes over their bathing suits walking to and from the pool. I am in no way saying Cheergyms is perfect, nor am I saying that they are completely innocent of following the trend that cheer is taking towards more provocative dance moves. All I am saying is that in this particular instance I believe Danny has every right to state that this kind of dress would not be seen from Cheergyms.
So what exactly does that have to do with people wearing crop tops? I don't get the point nor the comparison. Danny basically called out girls on other teams and said the girls on Cheergyms.com would never be seen like that. The statement itself was taking the subject of this board in another direction and frankly, I didn't see the point. Other than looking a bit like their from outerspace, I don't see much difference in their dress code from those at most other gyms. I personally like the crop tops and am not at all fond of the one piece uniforms. But if that is your thing and you think it makes you somehow better, (morally), than other gyms; then go for it. As long as I don't have to wear or pay for them, then I could care less what is worn. But if you try to put me in a category because I wear something that you don't, then we've got an issue and not a difference of opinion.
You go ???. As my mama would say, "put that in you pipe and smoke it." Thanks for writing that post. Now here's to all my CROP TOP wearin girlfriends; CHEER IT LOUD and WEAR EM PROUD!!
Danny did not even say that at all. Danny knows my child personally and is a totally kind, sweet, and caring person. AND WE ARE NOT FROM CHEERGYMS AND WE WEAR CROPS.
Danny would never say a single word about my child EVER. He is just not that way and you are wrong.
I forgot, was she chewing gum? Has the skirt unzipped? What shoes did she have wear? Did her boyfriend go to the comp with her? If so, then she sounds like the scarlett. Quick, somebody get her a Cheergyms.com shirt or better yet, get her one of the Worlds Nor-Cal shirts. That would be even better.
My kid is little. I wasn't saying that that chick was my kid. If my kid has a boyfriend, that kid would be in big trouble for going out with a tiny little girl. You people need help. You're sicko's. Stay away from little kids.
I think it's fine to have your cell phone hanging from your uniform, as long as you don't answer it while you're doing your routine.
Okay, I'm kidding of course... I just wish our sport would concentrate solely on the skills that are presented on the stage. How they look and what they do during a performance is what they're being judged on, and that is all that should count IMO. We've been going to competitions for years, and I can honestly say I've never judged a gym by the appearance of their girls off the stage, never. I don't think highly of cheergyms because everyone looks cleancut, I think highly of them because of the skills I see when they perform. The opposite is also true (gyms who may have girls walking around chewing gum, etc...). If they're awesome on the stage, they're tops in my book.
It's fine to have strict rules about appearance and image as long as it doesn't promote negativity towards others who don't have to abide by such rules.
So, talking about uniforms...what do you think about the thin stretchy material that seems to becoming more popular? Cheer Divas and Powerhouse had then and I didn't think they were very flatering. And looks like the new Fusion gym will have them (look at their web site for the new uniform design). I don't think I saw any of that style at Worlds or in the rest of the country.
I think the thin stretchy material look more like dance leotards at times; maybe that's just me? I tend to like the athletic look of cheer more than the performance look, if that makes any sense at all.
They are really lightweight and comfortable. I know some girls who were getting rubbed raw in places (like the crook of the elbow or the armpit) by the material "traditional" uniforms are made of. The newer materials do not do this. Plus, there are fabric options abound that you just can't get in the stiffer, traditional fabric.
I checked out OCs website and I have to say these look so much better than other uni's I've seen in this material. Is that because the design is more of traditional cheer design and not that one piece and flowy skirt that other teams have?