I can't cheer for 4 weeks. I can't even workout for 4 weeks. No running, no stretching, no swimming, no physical activity, period.
Does anybody know how long it will take me to get back to being as good as I was? I mean, am I going to lose some tumbling? And what about the skills I was working on at camp? I'm getting weak! Will it be hard to base/backspot again? And I'm not allowed to go on a diet because of my Motions Coed commandments, so I will most likely gain some weight. Is it going to be hard getting back into the "swing of things?"
I'm looking for responses from coaches, maybe doctors(?), athletes who've had surgery... etc.
I may sound dramatic, but this is kind of important to me. I've never been out of any athleticsm for more than 2 weeks and here I am facing a 4 to 6 week recovery. Motions means a lot to me and I don't want to end up unable to contribute as much as I did to my team...
You'll find that any weight you gain (which shouldn't be a lot, as long as you avoid junk food!) will come off pretty easily once you get back into activity again.
Don't sweat it - just concentrate on getting better.
I had vericoseal. I can't explain it here on the message board, so you'll hvae to look it up. It's not a senious surgery, but to be out for a month is really buggin me.
My son didn't have surgery, but he had a real bad case of mono 2 years ago. He was so sick he had to be hospitalzed. He was out of cheer almost 8 weeks. He couldn't even get out of bed except to go to the doctor for a good 3 to 4 weeks. He did nothing and I mean nothing because his spleen was very enlarged. When he did start back the doctor told him no stunting because if he got kicked in the spleen it could rupture and he could bleed to death. He also had to be careful when tumbling. I can't address the weight part because he was so sick he lost 12lbs. I don't think it will be so bad. When you start back anything you gained will come off gosh don't worry about it. Also you are fortunate that it's summer and you have time . My son didn't, he got sick at the end of October and he just made it back to compete by sheer will in the middle of December. He wasn't up to par till the end of January. If you have been cheering for a couple of years tumbling etc. you might get rusty take it easy when you start back so you don't injure yourself. Hey it's only the begining of July for heaven sake. It sounds like you'll be ready to go by the middle of August. My best to you and good luck. It will be okay.
As someone who had back surgery at 19, was out for two months and a half months, then when back to tumbling and sports acro and competed at a level above what I was at prior to surgery, I would say not to stress or try not to let it bug you as much.
If you are doing physical therapy, keep it up and take it seriously. If you can't do physical therapy, any stretching or light conditioning you can do will help.
But take heart, because I didn't lose anything after being out two and a half months. I kept up the therapy, went back into training and competed for the next two years, perfectly fine.