I can only speak for our gym, but you are allowed 3 absences for the first quarter, 2 for the second and 1 during comp season (Jan thru April). If you are on a level 5 team or coed, you are allowed 1 absence only. BUT in the beginning of the season, when you sign up, you are allowed to list the days you will be missing for reasons such as graduation, family reunion, etc. These are not counted against your absence allowance so long as they aren't "I will be at the mall with Sally". And if something is really really going to put a kink in things, the coaches and parents discuss it. You sign a three page contract that states everything the gym expects. And you initital every line or expectation. The parents discuss them all at the meetings in the beginning and understand WHY they are the way they are. Parents are encouraged to come to the gym and SEE why they shouldn't miss if they are new to the gym. We haven't had a single problem so far.
So for the summer, we DON'T have kids missing practices. At all. Even when you are sick, you come to the gym. You come in your PJs, blankets, whatever you wish. But you come. And you know what's funny? They do come!!! (we just had another round of colds, and everyone showed!) I know we personally had graduations and a vacation in May, and they knew we were going and it wasn't a problem. So if an emergency arises, my daughter has that absence still allowed to her. We won't use it, but it's there.
That's how we do it and it works WONDERFULLY. Hope that helps a bit.
summer practices wrote: I'm guessing the gyms that have 50% of the kids not attending practices during the summer are not the gyms that typically go to Worlds, right? I would love to know if the top teams have 100% attendance during the summer, that would say a lot about what it takes to be a top team.
You would be surprised that many of the powerhouse gyms only meet 2 times a week for about 2 hours. Now 50% of the kids don't miss at one time or that would be crazy. Those 1-2 times missing for vacations from EACH individual add up. Yes your daughter or son is only missing for 2 weeks, but add that up from each individual. Obviously people need and have to take summer vacations due to the normal school year. Not many gyms have 100% attendance during the summer. It's the only time kids can take vacations.
Returning to the topic, I think all stars are getting larger in California so it will help the growth of Senior programs. It's just nice to see older senior teams such as World Cup shooting Stars, Stingray Small Senior and CA Panthers. It's good to see what the older kids can do.
And with the younger teams doing what the older kids can do at such a young age, it will be interesting to see what they will be doing when they are in the Senior divisions.
We have 2 two week breaks during the summer and the dates are made in Sept for the following season. This way vacations can be planned. So the only people that are last minute are the brand new families. And we have TONS of those but it really seems to work out. So come this Sept, I will know what 4 weeks I have available to me the following season.
The original topic: It will be interesting to see who comes out on top of the high school divisions. Especially with some schools allowing their kids to do All Stars as well this year. We shall see.........