hey yall, I'm looking into new cheer shoes for my allstar squads but am not sure exactly which ones are all around good for stuntiing, tumbling, and all the good stuff. I need some help. Since I see a lot of people come on here, I figure I can not only get coaches opinions but also the cheerleaders. Let me know the brands! THANKS MUCH
personally asics are the easiest to stunt with. tumbling for the majority shoes are the same, but asics with the little indent and the plain flat surface underneath it make it easier to stunt with.
Power shoes look great but they tend to fall apart quite easily. We sill use them because they are so incredibly light, flexible and soft. We get one new practice pair in May and then another pair in November before the competition season begins. This way there's time to break them in if you want to but they look "pretty" still. But my daughter is still wearing last years practice shoes. And each year, the competition shoes become the new practice shoes. So they do last, just tend to "wear away" quickly. And no we don't EVER EVER wear them outside of the gym.
definately the new iNFiNiTYS..my team used them last year. definately the best for tumbling as far ar being very light. but for stunting id say ASiCS are the easiest to grip. iNFiNiTY is the lightest tumbling shoe thoughh..loves it
I love Nfinitys for tumbling. They seem to wear out kind of fast, especially for the price ($65.00 or more) but I like them the best and I have worn both Power and Asics.
i think infinities are ok, but if you have narrow feet(like me) then they can be somewhat hard to practice in. Also they tend to hurt your toes because there is strap going across one of them on each foot. I like asics adaidas and nikes best.
Well, my daughter has always had asics and this year she will be getting infinitys. I am very curious to see how she likes them. I have heard from the girls that they are very wide so I am concerned about that.
I know a lot of teams liked the Nfinity shoes last year...I thought they got really gross and ratty looking pretty quickly in the season though. I like Asic and Power.
So I noticed that the shoes that my gym uses hasn't been mentioned, so i thought i'd throw them out there. The high top Reebok's... some people judge them by just the way they look (which i admit i wasn't to fond of either when i first saw them.) However, they are really good overall. They're very comfortable and the high top provides support for the ankle while tumbling and stunting. So yeah, just a thought.
Our gym has used the Reebok hightops for the last few seasons, they really do give good ankle support and are pretty light. We tried power and kappea in the past and this have really worked the best for us.
When I saw your name HIGHTOPS, I was lauging cause I thought someone posted a joke saying to use hightops like we did when it was cool to do so in high school. I didn't know that they even still have them in existance!!!! That's soooooooooooooooo hysterical!
I used asics for 2 years, and I don't like them because they have like a platform so it's really easy to roll your ankle, then when they wear down, they wear down to nothing so your toes are hanging out. (people at motions have seen my old illusions shoes. haha)
but i've used nfinitys for 2 years too, i love them. but they fall apart after a year, so obviously, you would have to get 2 pairs a year, or one if you don't want them to look really nice.