Nellie (Motions Juniors) is practicing double downs on the bed in her hotel room and hits and splits open her forehead on the corner of the bed table between the beds.
Elena (Motions Juniors) is throwing up on the other bed (not related to seeing Nellie's forhead split open!)
Nellie, whose brother is on Focus Jr Prep, does not want to miss the Focus Jr Prep's performance (great decision), so we make it, and what a great performance it was!!!
the outcome... Jenny (Focus Jr Prep)'s parents are both doctors (Jane is a plastic surgeon and Jan is a trauma surgeon). Kassandra's Mom Leticia works at Kaiser with plastic surgeons and has her husband bring the durabond glue she has in her medical kit to the convention center. The doctors use the glue she provided to glue the cut on Nellie's forehead (which has bled through a couple bandaids and tape), and check her out to see if she can perform (and let Nellie's coach Nikki know she is OK to perform)...
During this time Morgan's Mom Debbie goes back to her hotel to get medicine for Elena to help settle her stomach.
And the Motions Juniors then put on an awesome performance!!!
Thanks to all the Motions and Focus parents who helped my girls out and who offered their help and support -- I'm still feeling the warmth of being part of such a wonderful group of people. And thanks so much to Nikki and Nelson for keeping such a close eye on my girls, and for making such an incredible organization to be a part of.