sooo so far this is what i have according to fierceboard
medium coed power first then cali small coed pcm first then desert storm in second and smoed in third large senior 3 cali vegas hearts first small senior 5 cali 1st pcm 2nd oc 3rd star athletic 4th oregon dream 5th then cheergyms small 4.2 cali 1st power 2nd starlight 3rd large senior 4 fierce 1st power 2nd by .01(fierce hit and had an amazing performance power had about 4 bobbles and possibly a touch... should be a battle tomorrow)
small junior 3..1st Desert storm 2nd cf 3rd ca Sm coed4 1st cf 2nd ca Lrg coed 4 1. Ca 2. Cf And all I know about other divisions is cf is first in youth 1, lrg senior 2, and junior 1 mini 1 large coed 3
medium ag 95 something AZ 94 something CF 93 something CA
Medium Coed
1. Power 2. Cali 3. American 4. Vancouver 5. Spirit Athletics
I dont know but I know that the points were worth 25% on saturday and 75% on sunday...they could have come out and ran their routine with zero deductions..maybe??