I hope they have a larger turn out this year, this competition has gotten so small which is a shame because it is extremely well ran, fun, and they treat the coaches and athletes well.
how come the right half teams arent shown, and is cf nfinity their only team going?
The right half is Sunday's schedule. I think a lot of CF teams just got back from UCA Nationals and I know some will be going to Hawaii in a few weeks. That might be why.
how come the right half teams arent shown, and is cf nfinity their only team going?
The right half is Sunday's schedule. I think a lot of CF teams just got back from UCA Nationals and I know some will be going to Hawaii in a few weeks. That might be why.
how come the right half teams arent shown, and is cf nfinity their only team going?
The right half is Sunday's schedule. I think a lot of CF teams just got back from UCA Nationals and I know some will be going to Hawaii in a few weeks. That might be why.
is this schedule final cuz nfinitys not on it
The final schedule will be posted thursday
-- Edited by EnvyMe on Monday 21st of March 2011 09:57:21 PM