Dislike the changes to open 5 no standing fulls or hitch kick double tosses.dislike possibly changin large to only 30 people.dislike getting rid of mini 2 youth 5 and possibly junior 5.like 4.2 changing to 14 and up. Like level 1 being able to throw straight baskets. Like level 2 being able to do pretty girl tosses.like level 3 being able to do standing backhandspring tucks. I can't remember any other ones.
Dislike issue #38 (I believe this is the #) for Sr 5 tumbling (not open). No standing tumbling to doubles. Dislike the dumbling down of level 4 to accomodate progressions from 3 to 4. That would be no standing tumbling to layouts only tucks. This issue is very confusing and seems to discount Sr Open 5 as the transition for tumbling single fulls to double fulls and level 4 layouts are the transistion to fulls. A more complete discussion on Fierce Board.
That was my understanding of the new rule proposal. Only singles for Sr 5 (not just open or restricted as they will call it). Then progressing down to the next level level - 4 standing to tuck only. I am stating this with the caveat that it was very difficult to understand the entire proposal. To me it just does not make sense from a progression stand point.
The biggest issue however, if you go to the fierce board, seems to be the proposal for elimination of Youth 5 as a level. There are so many emotional issues on that front. It is seems to be eliminating the discussions on some of the other issues - that may concern more athletes.
Before I get blasted - I think they should keep youth 5 for those big gyms that can field them - but with restricted tumbling. Maybe there would be more competition and these teams would actually compete rather than just have recitals.
The Fierce Board has much more discussion on all the issues.
I like limiting the number of times a girl cross competes in a competition, making 4.2 -- 14 and older (or 14-18), and scaling the time to less than 2:30 for minis and tinies.
Definitely don't want to see any time changes to the performance time. In favor of senior restricted new proposals. In favor for having a 4.2 age group of 14 and OLDER. In favor of having restrictions, NOT ELIMINATING youth 5. NOT in favor of lowering progression of standing tumbling in level 4 and 5. NOT in favor of lowering progression of running tumbling in level 3 when they are trying to up the standing tumbling to basically what level 4 will be if that proposal is passed. In favor of not allowing tinys or minis doing tosses whatever their level. In favor of the new coed guidelines. I'm sure I have more opinions on more of the topics I just can't think of the rest and this is what I feel was most important to me.
I haven't really read over the new rules, but honestly I think the standing tumbling progression is a good idea. I was just thinking about this the other day - level 3 you can do standing series backhandsprings then level 4 standing series to layouts. there's really no place for series to tucks, so you have to jump up essentially 2 levels of tumbling to fully perform at that level. Being someone who is currently inbetween those two levels it's kind of frustrating. And I don't think this is being voted on, but, I think they should change the senior teams back to 12-18. Having a senior team thats mostly 9 year olds really shouldn't happen. Why bother having junior/youth teams then? Just a thought!