I know it's been forever since Summer Jam, but I have no internet at my new house, so it's hard to post stuff.
JPG~ You guys did so good and I am so proud of all of you. You stuck all your stunts, hit most of your tumbling, and shined in the dance. Little mess ups here and there, but that's why we have Summer Jam before any real big competition. It's the time to get all of your first time jitters out and just have fun. There were little minor problems, like bloody noses, sick tummy's, and pains here and there, but you all stuck to your guns and did a fantastic job. I got a lot of compliments for you guys, and you deserve every one of them. Great Job, and let's get ready to start out real competition routine.
P.S. To answer the t-shirt question, all of the coaches will be recieving their teams t-shirts at the first practice.