I really dont think you have another daughter otherwise you would have stated that just like you stated in your first sentence "now that I took my daughter out for this year I can voice my opinion". In regards to you responding to "why people don't pay" you should have just responded to the subject and not put in your negative comments about another gym you never been to and ofcourse someone who does go there is going to defend their gym. Theres no bitter in Bakersfield but there might be some bitter in you.
Maybe I should clarify myself...I took my youngest daughter out of all star cheer ....you do not need to change your name just so it looks like a different person is responding. I have no idea who this person you are talking about is but I am just tired of fighting with you so you win...congrats.
Wow! Good thing these 2 moms aren't at the same gym. Who really cares about other peoples opinions anyway? I know I don't. Such wasted energy into their topic. And didn't the owner of that gym tell them to stop? NO RESPECT!