for level 2 standing tumbling, are they really only allowed to do standing back handsprings after a back walkover is performed? if this is the case, i have a few counts i need to change. D:
what else would you do after the back walkover? I know level 2 teams last year that did back walkover back handspring. I don't think you can do more than one backhandspring in a row though since it's standing tumbling
for level 2 standing tumbling, are they really only allowed to do standing back handsprings after a back walkover is performed? if this is the case, i have a few counts i need to change. D:
Hey Chris,
There are no multiple standing series allowed in level two....but yes back walkover to bhs is fine =)
for level 2 standing tumbling, are they really only allowed to do standing back handsprings after a back walkover is performed? if this is the case, i have a few counts i need to change. D:
Wait, did you mean can they only perform a standing BHS if they first do back walkover? If that's what you meant then the answer is no. They can do a single standing backhandspring with nothing else.
This situation is where the going forward=pass and going backwards=standing is does not apply.
A Cartwheel Step In CAN BE condsidered standing tumbling when appling the skill to the rules because it does not originate from a Roundoff. However it is not considered standing tumbling on the USASF Scoresheet.
-Cartwheel Step In Backhandspring is Level 2 Legal because you are allowed 1 BHS in Standing tumbling.
-Cartwheel Step In Double BHS is Level 3 legal because you are allowed to perform multiple series BHS in Standing Tumbling.
-Cartwheel Step In Tuck are Level 4 Legal because you are allowed to perform standing tucks at this level.
When thinking of a Cartwheel Step In as a Standing skill, it is easy to remember the rules.
-- Edited by BusyLifeofCheer on Tuesday 11th of August 2009 01:01:01 PM