If you look at tryout results, you will also notice that each Motions team has a specific "tumbling" practice, for an hour and fifteen minutes on Sundays. The other gyms have their kids sign up for "All-Star Tumbling" according to their level, we have our teams take a class all together. Its basically the same thing to the effect that all the kids take an extra tumbling class, this way just works better for our gym and our gym's schedule. Hope that helps!
It would be best, but certain circumstances at Motions just won't allow it. So, what we'll do is have each team tumble during their designated hour, and then seperate each level then. That way, each athlete still will train and develop at their level (which will help them develop quicker) while still being able to work around time difficulties we are facing.
I'm confident that the Motions program will still be able to put out incredible tumbling teams.