First off, I want to give a shout out to OC Allstars Youth 3 (Lime) who kicked it today!!!!! Good job girls. :) As far as the other comments about a team bad-mouthing other gyms this weekend; I find that hard to believe. I went on youtube and watched that WestCoast video like 5 times. That girl yelling out is rooting on someone. Think about it, why would anyone in their right mind yell out loud "West Coast Sucks" so that everyone even over the music could hear it???? Really listen to it and not just the words but the tone of the voice. She is clearly rooting someone on. Secondly, if you look at the signature board you will notice that yes there is a big X over Cheerforce but it is the end of the very large word that says APEX. Apex competed this weekend. Come on people!!!!! Get a clue!!! Speaking as a mom from OC, I know for a fact that bad mouthing or saying something derrogative about another team is forbidden. We got a nice little lecture about that a while back (as we do each season). So everyone just CHILL OUT!!!! We have tons of respect for other Cali gyms out there and we don't think we are better than everyone else. Great job today Magic, OC, Cheerforce, West Coast, Victory, American and everyone else out there!!! Good luck at Worlds!!!!