Dear Michelle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY [says the crowd.] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MICHELLE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [And the crowd go's wild.] And I hope your arm feels better! Love, ROSEMARY
Thank you all VERY much for the birthday wishes at the Rally last night!! You are ALL too nice!! I would have to say I got the BEST birthday present ever last night .... so, LARGE SENIORS .... THANK YOU!! I can't wait for this weekend's competition. Let's finish our season with a BANG!! I love you all very much!
Kat, Rosemary, Alicia & Terri, Danny/Derrick, Alison, & Nelly - Thank you all for your kind words. You are ALL incredible people.
Nikki - The flowers are BEAUTIFUL. Thank you.
My "TURNER CREW" - Erin, Megan, Tara, Amanda, Theresa & Grandma - THANK YOU soooooooooo much for the picture frame. I can't believe I coached your WHOLE family (minus your brother ... by the way, when's he signing up?) this year. You are an AMAZING family. Thank you all for a WONDERFUL year. Much Love. xoxo.
Love, Michelle
P.S. Now that I'm 30 ..... I wonder what I'll do. ((Thanks, PUNK!!))