Thank you to all the families and gyms who generously contributed to the Northern California All Star Alliance Scholarship Fund! We have set up booths at three events so far, GSSA on December 13th, JAMZ on January 11th and yesterday at Spirit Spectacular. We are so excited to announce that at Spirit Spectacular we raised $1400 to add to our fund! This is in addition to the money event producers have donated and every gym within the alliance has donated.
To Morton, Danny and Derick your constant support and encouragement of the scholarship fund all day was amazing. Morton was confident we would raise $500 for the day, but by 10:30 we had only raised $29. John from POWER stepped in and challenged his parents to each donate $1 and he would match it... Nancy from REBELS did the same and so did ALL STAR ELITE.... Several other gyms really came forward and donated. Here are the results: Remember these are from the parents of each gym... POWER $410 All Star Elite $248 ($100 from the Booster Club) Cheer Odyssey $214 Athletic Perfection $154 Rebels $85 One $15 Fame $12 Royals $12
To top it all off Cheergyms added an additional $200 contribution.
We have one more event where our booth will be set up: Athletic Championships on January 31st and February 1st. Let's keep the challenge going. If you are in the Alliance we challenge you to raise $1 from everyone of your parents to donate. We will keep the tallies from all the events we have hosted and have a special recognition for the parents that gave the most at the Scholarship Awards presentation at GSSA Nationals in San Jose on March 22.
We always hear, "it's about the kids". Well yesterday was a true demonstration of collaboration between parents, gym owners and event producers to support our all star cheerleaders going to college. We want this scholarship fund to be around for years to come so all the kids from tiny's, to seniors know there is scholarship opportunities for them through all star cheer!
Thank you to all who donated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NCAA Scholarship Fund Committee