Please remember to vote on the proposed slate of rules.These rules will be in effect for not only 2009/2010 but 2010/2011 as well.If you don't vote you and the parents you represent cannot complain with whatever is passed.Polls close at Midnight Eastern time tonight.
Below are the items we are voting on and the current vote totals as of Friday AM.
Item 1
Add 3 full twisting layouts to Level 4
Yes - 42%No - 55%
Item 2
Add 1 handed cartwheels to Level 1
Yes - 85%No - 12%
Item 3
No crossovers from program to program at the same competitions.
Exception - to International Open Level 5 & 6
Yes - 89%No - 9%
Item 4
Change squad sizes
A - Small 24 / Large 36 - Yes - 22%
B - Small 20 / Large 30 - Yes - 15%
C - Keep it as it is now - Yes - 60%
Item 5
Change Age cut-off date from May 31 to August 31
Yes - 68%No - 29%
Item 6
Eliminate all Senior age minimum requirements.If passed all senior age divisions will be consolidated to create more depth in the senior division and wouldeliminate the Senior Open and Small Gym divisions.This was suggested by the National Small Gym Association and the NACCC Inaugural Committee
Yes - 51%No 47%
Item 7
Rotate the NACCC meeting around the country instead of always being in Atlanta