Does anyone have some good ideas for competition snacks. i hate eating at the competition because the food is nasty and high in calories and fat. So any suggestions on easy snacks that are healthy?
One of my parents last season brought bags of grapes and carrots with low fat ranch packets and I don't know where she found them but the kids loved them.
You know I used to pack things, but I don't anymore, I just get regular food and if they want something, I let them get it. They usually do high carb and tons of water. My girls aren't big on candy and junk so that helps. But I just feel eating a good meal in the morning and making sure they eat a couple hours before performance helps.
yah im a really picky eater too. anything high in sugar, fat, carbs or sodium is off my eating list. junk food just makes me feel so sick. i try to eat fruit and bring some 100 calorie packs to eat at the competition. oh and a water bottle. energy drinks are NASTY