hello my name is ashley becker and i think i made the jv team because on jv it says ashley baker and on comp squad team blue it says ashley becker am i on both teams or just one. thankyou
You guys do realize that there is no longer a frosh division in the mdusd. So having a frosh team doesnt make sense there will just be varsity and frosh/soph . just an fyi
I heard rumor of this before tryouts and immediately spoke to our football coach who assured me that there will be 10 Freshman football games for us to cheer at (and thanked us for supporting them)
If and when other issues like this arise, please contact me directly so that we can make sure everyone gets the correct information and no one worries needlessly.
no i don't know when that email is supposed to go out, but you should e-mail Jenete and ask her your questions about that type of stuff. that's what i did.
There will be two Varsity squads this year at Clayton Valley High School. I know for some people they see this and are confused, only because not a lot of people do it. There is no rule saying you can not have two, and they will not be competing in the same divisions. Thank you for your concerns. If you any more please feel free to contact me. angie@cheergyms.com Thanks everyone!
Congrats CV girls! This year is going to be so much fun, and is filled with so much talent. I can't wait to get started.