All I can say is those Tiny's and Mini's are so cute. They don't pay attention to who got what place or what gym you are from. They were just so excited that each one of them got an individual trophy.
What a hostile insecure person you must be. Chill somewhere, would you! You really don't see what a fool you're making of yourself, do you? I'm embarrassed for you since you clearly you clearly you're far too gone to be embarrassed for yourself. If you're a child you need some direction. But Help us all if you are an adult.
What a hostile insecure person you must be. Chill somewhere, would you! You really don't see what a fool you're making of yourself, do you? I'm embarrassed for you since you clearly you clearly you're far too gone to be embarrassed for yourself. If you're a child you need some direction. But Help us all if you are an adult.
Never thought I'd say this but I wish there was a way to identify these people. I don't think they'd be so vocal then. Please don't respond that you wouldnt change your posts unless you're willing to sign the name on your birth certificate from this point forward.
'Preciate it tons.
So, start by signing yours!
I was talking to this person.
I apologize to any other person who thought I might have been referring to them.
Cali Allstars large Coed partial routine with the freestyle dancing....
the tumbling passes in the rutine are insain!! one kid throws a double punch double hand hand double!! and hes not even last pass they are crazy good wow
I normally don't respond to anything on this board, but felt the need to with this comment. People should find out the true story before posting something that is hurtful. OC did not cheat. We had in writing from the competition that the 10 year old could compete on the Senior 5 team and we did not have to move to Senior 5 open. We asked the competition 4 weeks in advance! Such a big deal was made about it, that the competition gave us the option to stay in the division or move to Senior 5 open on the second day. We chose to move, as we didn't want anyone to think that we were being unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but think about what you say before posting it to the world.
I normally don't respond to anything on this board, but felt the need to with this comment. People should find out the true story before posting something that is hurtful. OC did not cheat. We had in writing from the competition that the 10 year old could compete on the Senior 5 team and we did not have to move to Senior 5 open. We asked the competition 4 weeks in advance! Such a big deal was made about it, that the competition gave us the option to stay in the division or move to Senior 5 open on the second day. We chose to move, as we didn't want anyone to think that we were being unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but think about what you say before posting it to the world.
Please don't take whats posted to heart. That post is not taken as gospel nor does it represent the opinion of everyone on this board. Most who come on this board to attach are equal opportunists. Hopefully the 10 year old was unphased during the commotion and had a great time.
I normally don't respond to anything on this board, but felt the need to with this comment. People should find out the true story before posting something that is hurtful. OC did not cheat. We had in writing from the competition that the 10 year old could compete on the Senior 5 team and we did not have to move to Senior 5 open. We asked the competition 4 weeks in advance! Such a big deal was made about it, that the competition gave us the option to stay in the division or move to Senior 5 open on the second day. We chose to move, as we didn't want anyone to think that we were being unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but think about what you say before posting it to the world.
Thank you for the clarification. It's kind of sad that you have to justify. I saw you all on youTube and all I can say is WOW
If OC did in fact get permission then they did the right thing. The problem is with the competition company allowing it without communicating this to the other teams in the division and making up a division that does not exist within the USASF. Senior Open 5 is NOT an approved division. If it was already aproved by the competition company then why was a special division formed after the competition already started and no other teams could enter that division.
Cali Allstars large Coed partial routine with the freestyle dancing....
the tumbling passes in the rutine are insain!! one kid throws a double punch double hand hand double!! and hes not even last pass they are crazy good wow
I'm the mommy of that kid! His name is Cameron....I'm sooooo proud....more to come!...Thank U!