actually, cheerforce raised a large amount of money for the charity they are giving too. it was very successful, with the open house, showcasing helped bring in people to donate money. also had a free clinic that many little girls attended for the price of a can good. so dont be disrespecting something you dont know about.
Hey first Anonymous poster, are you who I think you are? Anyway, I am a proud cheerforce mom and to be honest I have not been on these boards since the end of last season but I heard about your post and was outraged. We put on an amazing charity event today, we worked our butts of to support a charity that we all care deeply for (the same charity that we support every year at the Amanda Walk). Cheerforce made a lot of money today for the Amanda McPhearson Foundation, we collected a lot of food for the simi food banks. Besides the Amanda Foundation is wonderful to cheerforce and sponsors our awe inspiring Glacierz. I have watched the Glacierz kids grow in leaps and bounds from shy little kids to proud cheerleaders, and their is nothing wrong with that. As you probably also know cheerforce has had numerous charity events for one of our Glacierz Boys, such as the huge bone marrow drive that happened last year and softball tournament. Cheerforce kids donated lots of money to Katrina victims, Tsunami victims as well as sending many x-mas gifts to the wonderful men and women fighting for your freedom.
Please keep your nasty remarks to yourself and find a charity so that your gym could do some good rather than evil.
Thank you Shawn and Becky for doing all the wonderful things that you do. We are proud to be apart of your family.
Where have you been??? We miss you and all your great feedback please stick around and let us know who the evil poster might be so we can storm the cheer village with our sharpened pitch forks and spears.....
I am so appalled by the original poster, that I needed to do something positive to release the anger. I just went on the Amanda McPherson website and made a small donation, thanking them for sponsoring CheerForce's special needs team. OK, I feel better now.
OldCheermom......I Love it, I am going to do the same thing!
I am so appalled by the original poster, that I needed to do something positive to release the anger. I just went on the Amanda McPherson website and made a small donation, thanking them for sponsoring CheerForce's special needs team. OK, I feel better now.
OldCheermom......I Love it, I am going to do the same thing!
I love it a post that was meant to be evil turned out for the better good. I would like to thank the original poster for being so ignorant that in trying to bring down a program you brought it up and helped their charity go even farther then what they could do at their gym. I too just donated to it.