If I join the club as a coach do all my team members receive the discount or do they each have to join the club individually. I LOVE this! I will be joining for sure just to get the discounts on gym rental and music...if nothing else.
If I join the club as a coach do all my team members receive the discount or do they each have to join the club individually. I LOVE this! I will be joining for sure just to get the discounts on gym rental and music...if nothing else.
If I join the club as a coach do all my team members receive the discount or do they each have to join the club individually. I LOVE this! I will be joining for sure just to get the discounts on gym rental and music...if nothing else.
If I join the club as a coach do all my team members receive the discount or do they each have to join the club individually. I LOVE this! I will be joining for sure just to get the discounts on gym rental and music...if nothing else.
On the application it reads: Questions please call 8666857615 or email Jodi Million at jodi@cheergyms.com.