I am getting soooo excited....Only 15 more days until competition starts!!! I cannot wait to see all the teams!!! I cannot wait to be in VEGAS!!! Whooo Hooo
tiny 1 (5) central coast shock wave tornados fusion royal allstars rebels elite oc allstars mini 1 (17) silver spirit allstars fierce - lady bugs spirit pride athletics champions - cubbies south bay allstars SAC all stars spirit athletics cheer xperience pacific coast cheer oc allstars royal allstars platinum allstars double dose all star cheerleading stars extreme frost all star minis cheer odyssey - shooting stars vcsc pride small youth 1 (11) silver spirit allstars dynamo allstars central coast shockwave - storm diamond elite allstars starz unlimited all star cheer montana all star cheer legends allstars colorado cheer company rebels elite cat academy swat allstars large youth 1 (2) fusion bay point allstars junior 1 (6) spirit cheer u got 2 believe cheer cheertyme all stars oc all stars american cheer cheer odyssey - astros senior 1 (2) spirit fusion mini 2 (6) central coast shock wave thunder fusion spirit athletics oc allstars american cheer cheer odyssey - mini meteors small youth 2 (15) havasu fury - cyclones starstruck pride athletics champions - tigers fusion supreme cheer - glitz victorious elite allstars platinum allstars nevada twisters allstars vcsc pride hot stuff allstars cheer odyssey - voyagers maui cheer babes team victory oc allstars desert cheer xtreme large youth 2 (2) spirit athletics cheer xperience small junior 2 (14) fierce - leopards nevada ignite elite allstars bay point allstars renegade academy summit explosion m80's jam squad VIP montana all star cheer platinum allstars triple threat blue all star cheerleading stars extreme vcsc pride nevada twisters elite madera ranchos rebels allstars ultimate storm all stars lightning large junior 2 (2) legends allstars pacific coast cheer small senior 2 (12) havasu fury - hurricanes starstruck diamond elite allstars bay point allstars elite spirit athletics oc allstars majestic allstars colorado cheer company royal allstars platinum allstars american cheer fierce large senior 2 (5) silver spirit allstars pride athletics champions - bobcats fusion pacific coast cheer legends allstars senior open 2 (5) central coast shock wave - avalanche airborne supreme cheer - fortune bounce diamond allstars north county elite small youth 3 (2) supreme cheer - glamour revolution rebels large youth 3 (5) pacific coast cheer royal allstars american cheer macs mini blue oc allstars small junior 3 (8) pride athletics champions - cougars mpk aztecs all starz so cal rockstars hot stuff allstars cheer xperience triple threat black all star cheerleading rebels elite ultimate storm all stars twisters large junior 3 (4) desert cheer xtreme royal allstars vcsc pride macs junior blue small senior 3 (16) dynamo allstars nevada ignite elite allstars desert cheer xtreme sierra allstars starstruck cheer xcel outlaws pride athletics champions - panthers sac allstars cheertyme all stars oc allstars ace allstars vcsc pride nevada twisters extreme north bay athletics toxic allstars fierce -ladies large senior 3 (4) legends allstars san jose legends spirit athletics victorious elite all stars small senior open 3 (5) central coast shock wave - eclipse moffat county thunder ymca heat all star athletics city terrace park large senior open 3 (2) airborne cheer odyssey - cosmos senior coed 3 (7) mismo heat fusion cheer divas summit explosion TNT west coast all star cheer legends all stars stars extreme youth 4 (1) stars extreme junior 4 (4) head over heels supreme cheer - hollywood oc allstars cheer odyssey - comets junior coed 4 (1) swat allstars small senior 4 (7) fierce - legacy cheer xcel outlaws fusion az sparx american cheer team victory pacific coast cheer large senior 4 (3) starstruck pride athletics champions - sabres macs senior blue senior open 4 (1) k and l tumbletown elite senior ltd coed 4 (3) royal allstars rebels elite swat all star cheer senior unltd coed 4 (1) pacific coast cheer junior 5 (1) fusion small senior 5 (7) fierce - legend airborne pride athletics champions - lions victory cheer company - sonic boom spirit athletics oc allstars macs starz large senior 5 (4) fusion west coast extreme american cheer cheerz odyssey senior coed 5 (3) supreme cheer - fame cheer odyssey - rockets stars extreme intl open coed 5 (1) cheer jamz fantasy
small senior 5 (7) fierce - legend airborne pride athletics champions - lions victory cheer company - sonic boom spirit athletics oc allstars macs starz large senior 5 (4) fusion west coast extreme american cheer cheerz odyssey
Isnt Fusion Small And Spirit Large?
My Thought For Small Senior 5:
Macz Fusion Victory Pride Airborne OC Firece
My Thoughts For Large Senior 5:
Cheerz American/West Coast West Coast/American Spirit Athleics