someone mentioned the international level 5 coed team that we have this season... here are a few pictures of their uniforms.
the guys uniforms are mostly all white, with a hint of pink.
and although i covet this uniform and wisssssshhhh i could look decent in it... they will be unfortunately be getting a new uniform next season. but i've seen write/draw ups of it... and i love it already!!!
-- Edited by Fierce Coach at 11:59, 2008-02-24
"Come on a flip your mind, to the west's BEST, built by design!!!!" PACIFIC COAST MAGIC ALL STAR CHEERLEADING
someone mentioned the international level 5 coed team that we have this season... here are a few pictures of their uniforms.
the guys uniforms are mostly all white, with a hint of pink.
and although i covet this uniform and wisssssshhhh i could look decent in it... they will be unfortunately be getting a new uniform next season. but i've seen write/draw ups of it... and i love it already!!!
-- Edited by Fierce Coach at 11:59, 2008-02-24
Fierce I love this uniform its really clean and unique! I Think I have a Favorite Now
My favorite uniform and bow is POWER's. I think they are trendy yet very classy!!!
I dont like POWER's because every time I open varisity (uniforms) I see it. Its not a unifom which is a original. I also saw a high school have the same one, color and everything. Uniforms need to be original and untouchable.
At least the Airborne girls have the Ab's to wear those unis!!!!
& who doesn't?
Cheer athletics panthers, duhhhh. Shooting stars would be able to tell you. Hahaha funniest voice over ofmy life because of the funniest rivalry of my life!!! Love those girls.
At least the Airborne girls have the Ab's to wear those unis!!!!
& who doesn't?
Cheer athletics panthers, duhhhh. Shooting stars would be able to tell you. Hahaha funniest voice over ofmy life because of the funniest rivalry of my life!!! Love those girls.
So I kind of get it. Haha but not all of it hahaha :)
someone mentioned the international level 5 coed team that we have this season... here are a few pictures of their uniforms.
the guys uniforms are mostly all white, with a hint of pink.
and although i covet this uniform and wisssssshhhh i could look decent in it... they will be unfortunately be getting a new uniform next season. but i've seen write/draw ups of it... and i love it already!!!
-- Edited by Fierce Coach at 11:59, 2008-02-24
Fierce I love this uniform its really clean and unique! I Think I have a Favorite Now
I love it too but I have a ? for everyone out their. Why is it that some kids skirts are so short that thier spankies are longer that the skirt. I have seen this a lot on many teams this year and It really doesn't look cool. I say that if your going to wear it that short then just get rid of the skirt and just wear spankies. I know that times have changed but come on. Next the shirts will be even smaller and what next.
At least the Airborne girls have the Ab's to wear those unis!!!!
& who doesn't?
Cheer athletics panthers, duhhhh. Shooting stars would be able to tell you. Hahaha funniest voice over ofmy life because of the funniest rivalry of my life!!! Love those girls.
So I kind of get it. Haha but not all of it hahaha :)
I think they are talking about the interview shooting stars did a couple years ago and they said the girls on panthers were "chunky" so the next year in panthers music the put in a "who you callin chunky" voice over.
someone mentioned the international level 5 coed team that we have this season... here are a few pictures of their uniforms.
the guys uniforms are mostly all white, with a hint of pink.
and although i covet this uniform and wisssssshhhh i could look decent in it... they will be unfortunately be getting a new uniform next season. but i've seen write/draw ups of it... and i love it already!!!
-- Edited by Fierce Coach at 11:59, 2008-02-24
Fierce I love this uniform its really clean and unique! I Think I have a Favorite Now
I love it too but I have a ? for everyone out their. Why is it that some kids skirts are so short that thier spankies are longer that the skirt. I have seen this a lot on many teams this year and It really doesn't look cool. I say that if your going to wear it that short then just get rid of the skirt and just wear spankies. I know that times have changed but come on. Next the shirts will be even smaller and what next.
i know that the reason her skirt is up on this picture is cause she just finished tumbling. that happens to a lot of people though so i understand what your saying