list of level 5 teams sorry not really sure about the abbreviations for coed 5. does l stand for large or limited ...
youth 5 stingrays university cheer - lil' air force one thunder elite - lil' shorties world cup twinkles
small junior 5 maryland marlins xtreme thunder allstars thunder elite - thunderlicious champion cheer - fury woodlands elite - colonels east elite california allstars
large junior 5 maryland twisters world cup starlites texas lonestar cheer ultimate athletics stingrays
small jr coed 5 cheer eclipse - galaxy top gun
large jr coed 5 victory vipers - gobstoppers ice athletics university cheer junior air force one cheer athletics - jags cheerforce - alcatraz
small senior 5 cheers & more rebels champion cheer - heat spirit diamonds cheer station spirit central ice allstars top gun oc allstars east elite cheerforce - diamondz maryland marlins ice athletics - senior elite california allstars pro spirit spirit of texas all american cheer and stunt cheerforce elite allstars (canada) stingrays maryland twisters pride athletics champions az power xtreme
large senior 5 woodlands elite - generals power world cup - shooting stars cheer athletics - panthers ultimate athletics maryland twisters
small sr ltd? coed 5 (ssrlco) maryland twisters extreme cheer company seniors central arkansas cheer the thunder allstars world cup - cosmic rays heart of texas power stars
senior small ltd coed 5? (srslco) atl allstars university cheer - air force one tribe
sr unlimited coed 5 top gun ice athletics california allstars the stingray allstars cheer athletics - wildcats cheer eclipse
large sr coed 5 (lsrlco) world cup - odyssey the stingray allstars rock solid allstars spirit of texas texas lonestar cheer cheer dynamix jags cheer legendz - pumaz epic cheer company - platinum bca quake
intl' open 5 twist and shout cheer athletics - fiercekatz
small? intl' open coed 5 cheer athletics - pumas the fusion allstars cheerforce - rockiez prodigy allstars central mississippi cheerleading cheernation
large intl' open coed 5 cheer athletics - junglecats
divisions with california teams good luck and have fun!
large youth 3 stingrays ultimate athletics cheer athletics - lions pro spirit oc allstars(rancho santa margarita)
large junior 3 spirit of oklahoma - navy champion cheer - burn champions allstars cheer athletics - lynx woodlands elite - airborne stingrays california allstars (san marcos) cheer dynamix - wonder jags small senior 2 rebel yell oc allstars cheer eclipse - electra maryland twisters stingrays prodigy allstars cheernation spirit of texas rgc sub zero excite gym & cheer - pulse small senior open 3 ultimate athletics oklahoma twisters ultimate allstars - envy (san francisco) knight time cheer force maryland marlins academy of champions east - freeze cheer star athletics cheer town usa
small senior 3 power house tumble and cheer super stars maryland marlins rgc sub zero the thunder allstars elite cheer sensation heart of texas - rock stars texas gems cheer oc allstars shock cheerleading & tumbling odyssey cheer & athletics maryland twisters express allstars desoto stars
small junior 4 showtyme allstars cheer eclipse - starlites cheernation atl allstars the thunder allstars excite gym & cheer - shock woodlands elite - majors ultimate athletics oc allstars top gun cheer legendz - cheetahz pro spirit
large senior 4 pride athletics champions stingrays university cheer air force phantom california allstars ice athletics - senior onyx cheer eclipse - super novas east elite
small junior 5 maryland marlins xtreme thunder allstars thunder elite - thunderlicious champion cheer - fury woodlands elite - colonels east elite california allstars
large jr coed 5 victory vipers - gobstoppers ice athletics university cheer junior air force one cheer athletics - jags cheerforce - alcatraz (simi valley)
oc allstars, cheerforce diamondz, california allstars in small senior 5 (see post above. too long to repost)
large senior 5 woodlands elite - generals power (northern california) world cup - shooting stars cheer athletics - panthers ultimate athletics maryland twisters
sr unlimited coed 5 top gun ice athletics california allstars the stingray allstars cheer athletics - wildcats cheer eclipse
small? intl' open coed 5 cheer athletics - pumas the fusion allstars cheerforce - rockiez prodigy allstars central mississippi cheerleading cheernation
World Cup Shooting Stars - Paid Power - Paid Woodlands Elite Generals - Partial Paid Cheer Athletics Panthers - At Large
Large Senior Limited Coed
Spirit of Texas - Paid World Cup Odyssey - Paid The Stingrays All-Stars - Paid Cheer Legendz - Partial Paid Cheer Tyme Coed Extreme - At Large Cheer Dynamix Jags - At Large
Senior Unlimited Coed
Top Gun - Paid Cheer Athletics Wildcats - Paid ICE Athletics (Illinois) - At Large California All-Stars - At Large Cheer Eclipse - At Large
Small Senior
CheerForce Diamondz - Paid ICE Athletics (Illinois) - Paid AZ Power Xtreme - Partial Paid Maryland Twisters Storm - At Large Champion Cheer Heat - At Large Spirit Central - At Large Spirit of Texas - At Large
Small Senior Limited Coed
Maryland Twisters Reign - At Large
Senior International
Central Mississippi Cheerleading - At Large Cheer Athletics Pumas - At Large Cheer Athletics FierceKatz - At Large CheerForce Rockiez - At Large
Junior International
Champion Cheer Fury - At Large World Cup Starlights - At Large Maryland Twisters Supercells - At Large Ultimate Athletics - At Large Ice Athletics - At Large CheerForce Alcatraz - At Large Cheer Eclipse - At Large Cheer Athletics Jags - At Large
-- Edited by CaliCheerWatcher at 17:17, 2008-02-02