Spirit Sports is around the corner and some great teams will be there. There are 12 teams I think in Small Senior 5. Now that we have seen most of the Senior 5 teams how do you think the rankings will end up? Do you think that Power can catch up to Cheerforce? Will California regain momentum and suprise everyone? Anyone that isnt one of the favorites on your list to upset and place well?
Cali sm sr competed today and were off the hook! looked like they had no mistakes
yeah it looked like a brand new rutine and it was awsome they have deffinitly steped it up. i was also impressed with there lrg senior 4 and lrg junior 3
i thought the way the bids worked this year was that they were not being passed down so if you had a bid you could get another and the team below you just had to beat you to get there bid.... i so confused someone put me up to speed please
Sorry to be off topic. I have some family members in L.A. that are wanting to see this comp. Does anyone know what the admission fee is or was last year? This way I can give them a range as to how much it is, plus parking and food.
You are right! So teams without bids will still have to beat the teams that already have bids to get a bid. Did that make sense?
unfortunately not. although that would make sense in the whole "no passing bids down" ruling, this is not true. the ruling is, if a team already has a bid they cannot compete for a bid that is of the same stature. so if a team has an at large and the company is giving away a paid and an at large, they are not in the running for the at large. for example, there are 3 teams in a division that gives out a paid and an at large. team A and team B have no bids and team C has an at large. team C cannot compete for the at large. the competition ends with team A in first, team C in second and team B in third. team A gets the Paid and since team C did not compete for the at large, team B gets the at large since only team A and team B were competing for the at large but team A won the paid.
Oh no I'm scared, so that means teams that would not otherwise get bids will get them and this is just a way to get around the whole "passing the bid down thing" sorry that's JMO.
Not exactly. They have done away with the passing down of bids that are given back. So if a team already has an at large bid and then later wins a paid bid, the at large bid used to get passed down to the next team in line at the comp it was won at. That is not happening anymore. Now that at large bid just goes away. From what I remember, the way it is now is how it has been before where you can not win a like bid at multiple comps so if a team already has a bid from somewhere else they can only compete for a better bid at future comps. I think it is completely fair. This way you don't have teams "waiting in the wings" hoping for teams to get better bids so they can take their hand me downs without having to compete for them again. You win it at the comp or you don't get one at all.