There is nothing wrong with wearing spankies as long as they fit properly, and yes your wearing underwear. I like the boycut style better, but noticed so far this year most are still wearing spankies.
There is nothing wrong with wearing spankies as long as they fit properly, and yes your wearing underwear. I like the boycut style better, but noticed so far this year most are still wearing spankies.
u gotta name them because i cant believe any all star team is still in spankies they know better maybe its high school but most of them r in boy cuts too
Our gym is still using spankies and I never witness anything that looked inapropriate. I agree as long as they fit I have no problem with them. I also like the boycut ones, especially for flyers. I think down the line most will start switching over, but until then if your team is wearing spankies your ok and not alone. Most teams I've seen so far this season are wearing them too.
In my part of the cheer world, they are all called Spankies. There are "brief" and "boy cut" styles. Both have their benefits, even though I prefer boy cut. My advice is to make sure all is covered, no matter what is worn. Give the girls some dignity.
Your right as long as the girl has her dignity whichever brief or boycut your fine. I comes down to if they fit right. Eventually I think everyone will be wearing the boycut. We been to two competitions so far this season and most teams I have seen are wearing the brief cut spankies. I have not seen anything inapropriate. As far as naming names I don't think so. I won't go that route.
I'm pretty sure the girl was from my gym, and mom needs to buy her a new pair that fit properly. She has been in the same ones for 3 years now. Many parents have let the girls mother know its time to purchase a pair that fit
Most gyms change uniforms about every three years or so. Your right it's up to the parent to make sure that everything still fits. It's also up to the parents to make sure thier child is wearing the correct underwear. Our gym still has the spankies (briefs), but there is talk of changing to the boy cut ones next season. We always order new briefs every season for my daughter as she has grown, and lets face it they don't stay little forever. I don't think a team should feel bad because they are still using the regular spankies. Boy cuts are still a fairly new trend and not all teams have switched over to using them yet. I think most will, but as long as the girls have thier dignity thats what matters. I agree I like the boycut sytle better, but for now there is nothing wrong with not having them yet. Also, please don't start naming gym names please. Lets keep the drama down on this board. I to have seen more teams with the brief style then with the new boy cut ones. So your not alone.
We call them kick pants. Spankies just remind me of Bring it on. In Florida we called them Bloomers.
I always just called them the-things-that-go-under-your-skirt-and-over-your-underwear. Wait! that's longer, okay take out the just: I always called them the-things-that-go-under-your-skirt-and-over-your-underwear.
I have never heard of them referred to as lollipops or tights.
My complaint with the boycut ones is when they are longer than the skirt. I agree that if the brief underwear covers are well fitting there shouldn't be all these problems. However, I've never noticed any of these things, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.