***These comments are stated on my sole behalf take them for what you will**
I think this a great topic to discuss because it can be debated from a few different perspectives and is actually I think what will be the next major change in our sport. I would agree with Nelson in that I think that the main reason for the few number of teams in each division at competitions has nothing to do with the number of companies that are offering events but the number of divisions that they offer. I do feel that in the last 5-6 years our sport has made many positive steps in the right direction in making the sport of competitive cheerleading a more balanced and competitive sport for our athletes. Going from offering one level to three now to five I believe has made the sport much more progressive, innovative not to mention safer. We have been able to do more tricks with pyramids and stunts that we once were not allowed to do. Yes, at the national competitions (I will talk about that term in second) it does allow for companies to hand out more "titles" to the winners. But what it really does is allow for more teams to actually compete for those titles. Back when we had one level or even when it was just the three different levels we saw the same teams winning over and over because other teams that were not able to compair to the level of tumbling or stunts. We also saw a lot of teams trying things that they probably shouldn't have been trying putting the athletes in great danger. Props to the USASF for the idea of Credinitaling coaches to make them more knoweldgable and limiting coaches from teaching things they have no idea how to teach. Now with very clear difined levels the playing field has been much more balanced and gyms owners and coaches are able to put their teams in the best position for their athletes to compete and be successful which lets be honest should be the goal of any program. To make there kids feel as though they are being successful, reaching goals and having fun. Which if we all remember being kids always loosing was never fun for anyone.
Here is where I feel the big debate exists. The open divisions. The open divisions in MY OPINION are the reason we see at so many competitions only one or two teams in the divisions. For example lets use level 3 Instead of just offering just Smal and Large level 3 and having two divisions now we have four seperate divisions because we have Small Senior Open, Large Senior Open, Small Senior and Large Senior and thats just looking at all girl so you could possibly have even more if you bring the co-ed divisions into play. So by eliminating the open divisions yes you would make divisions bigger and more competitive. But on the other hand with USASF forming age ristrictions on Senior divisions it is really the only way that some smaller gyms can form teams. So without them small gyms would not be able to stay open. So again in my opinion it is a catch 22 depending on how you look at it.
So now going back to the "national champion", this could be a fun topic to discuss all on its own, title I think this term in our sport has become over used and played out. With the vast range of companies in our sport all offering competitions where the hand out "national champion" titles I think that we need to find a new term to give out. It's to the point where most major companies are now holding two or three "national championships." I have even seen where Gym owners who sponser competitions are titling there small local competitions as "National Championship" To me national championship competitions have become just another regional or local competition. Yes these competitions usually are in bigger venues and tend to draw more teams maybe even some from out of state, but going back to the previous topic we are still seeing divions that only have one or two teams in them. Maybe what we need is to have a "pre worlds" which would be a USASF National Championship. Then those best teams or top 3 teams from each division would would move onto Worlds. Which would eliminate the teams that manage to make it to worlds that we all know probably shouldn't be there.
When it comes to Nelson perspective on choregraphy I completely agree. I think that teams have become so focused on skills and maxing out score sheets that routines have become cookie cutters almost. I think score sheets need to start reflecting more choreography. So Nelson, maybe we do need to move towards the gymnastics and figure skatting idea of a coumpulsory round. I think that compulsory round in cheer competitions would help elevate the sport. We would get the current max out your score sheet routines and then we would also get to go back to seeing the innovativeness and creativity of the routines which I am beginning to miss. It would give us the best of both worlds, BUT it would make those competitions even LONGER!!! Maybe we should just test run in level 5? Any thoughts?
But to sum it all up I think that the sport of Competitive Cheerleading is progressing in a very positive direction and very rapidly. I think the USASF is in a phase where they are testing things and trying to figure out the best thing for the sport which will take time and patience from us all. Good luck to all the teams this year it is looking like it is going to be a very competitive and exciting year.
But see that's the thing about the open divisions... if it's there because that's the ONLY way smaller gyms can form teams, why are the gyms who are using this division not small?? If there is a gym that has one team of 8 year olds to 16 year olds, yes, they would have no choice but to use the open divisions. But the gyms using them now do not have to have little 9 year old suzie on a senior team. Suzie can wait another year and cheer on the junior team?? Or Suzie can find another gym until she's old enough. That is the part I don't get.
Isn't there a cheer company out there that does something similar to the compulsary idea? OC Mom may know, as I think they attended that competition. Or it was more of a tournament style competition. Very different than the standard competition companies.
Anyone out there remember what the company is and how they ran their competitions?
"Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak."
Acts 13:14-16
Isn't there a cheer company out there that does something similar to the compulsary idea? OC Mom may know, as I think they attended that competition. Or it was more of a tournament style competition. Very different than the standard competition companies.
Anyone out there remember what the company is and how they ran their competitions?
SOS does tournament style competitions. One of my favorite competitions to attend, except for the fact that I don't really like the venues that they've used in California. (LA convention center, Ontario Convention center).
Isn't there a cheer company out there that does something similar to the compulsary idea? OC Mom may know, as I think they attended that competition. Or it was more of a tournament style competition. Very different than the standard competition companies.
Anyone out there remember what the company is and how they ran their competitions?
SOS does tournament style competitions. One of my favorite competitions to attend, except for the fact that I don't really like the venues that they've used in California. (LA convention center, Ontario Convention center).
Yes, they are correct.... it was SOS. We attended ONCE and never went back. It was horrible. They went on once without music, then again with music. Then 4 to 5 hours LATER they went on AGAIN. The girls were taking naps, ate junk, etc and then had to compete again. This just killed them.
The basic idea was good. The wait in between was horrible.
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!