Yes it's Dec. 1, it's through a company called, " All That Cheer". I heard it's going to be a very small comp. I will be there to cheer Fierce on..Can't wait to see what they will bring to the stage. LoL
yay, im glad people like white. our new uniforms are white!
Wait! What?! Uhh, Fierce Coach, you can't just drop a bomb like this and walk away without any explanation. Fierce is pink and black, how can your uniforms be white? But I liked the uniforms, which for me is unusual because I tend more toward the "traditional". Please describe a little bit more. Thanks!
Personally, I HATE white uniforms... White is not cute at all! They look like nurses!!!!!!!!!
But if a team can pull it off then more power to them!
this past eekend i saw black white blue and silver on at least 3 teams and i wasnt a fan of their uniforms hard to tell the team apart one ofthem did have a unique top i think it was rush or somthing like that at least they had a different style the other 2 looked the same and i thought ok they must have same rep
I always liked Cheer Odyssey's uniforms when they were dark navy blue, silver and white. If they had any purple it wasn't much. But they switched and now they're purple black and silver, just like other teams. I kind of miss the old colors.
I like the cutout shoulders, and think the Cheer Magic uniform is cute. Not sure about the capri one. Hey it's kind of neat seeing people trying to do something different.
I'm not a fan of the Cheer Magic uniform, I don't think light pink is a good color choice, I don't like the zebra print, and her's just doesn't fit well.
I'm not sure what I think of the Fusion uniform. I'm leaning toward liking them, but I would like to see them in person. I also don't get the red tillies with the blue capris.