Based on our team progression (for CWT) so far our minis will be level 1, juniors level 2 and seniors level 3. We have been making great progress in new skills and would like to give the teams a little longer, and maybe let them try out the next level (for juniors and seniors). We may get there, we may not!
I had to rewrite this, I need to see it all in one place too LOL. This looks like the competition to be at, all of my favorites in one place I can't wait! I'm going to be there level 1 through 5 too
Jamfest November 3 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium SF Nor Cal Elite POWER Athletic Perfection Evolution Rebels Roseville Cheer Starz Cheer With a Twist California Spirit Elite Club Spirit Rockets San Jose Legends *All Star Elite (Is this what comp. they meant?)
When do Jamz usually release the schedule? It's already less than 3 weeks away.
Jamz usually doesn't release until the week of the competition, and usually LATE in the week, like Thursday or Friday. I can remember last season, more than once, calling to push their staff to get a schedule by Wednesday so we could pass on performance times to our families! So it'll be awhile before it comes out, I'm sure.
Even though some of my favorites aren't listed as going to JamFest so far (Cheer Odyssey, Cheer Xplosion, Cheer Divas, Airborne...) it looks like it should be great competition. Wouldn't it be great if just once all Northern CA teams showed up at the same competition? It would make for a really long day but it would be so worth it!
Jamfest November 3 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium SF Nor Cal Elite POWER Athletic Perfection Evolution Rebels Roseville Cheer Starz Cheer With a Twist California Spirit Elite Club Spirit Rockets San Jose Legends
I thought CO's level 5 team was entertaining last season, but lacked difficulty. I know I wasn't alone in thinking that and even heard it from fellow CO members. I hope they step it up this season and become real contenders against what will be a very competitive category. Good luck to them.
Jamfest November 3 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium SF Nor Cal Elite POWER Athletic Perfection Evolution Rebels Roseville Cheer Starz Cheer With a Twist California Spirit Elite Club Spirit Rockets San Jose Legends Premier
Jamfest November 3 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium SF Nor Cal Elite POWER Athletic Perfection Evolution Rebels Roseville Cheer Starz Cheer With a Twist California Spirit Elite Club Spirit Rockets San Jose Legends
CO actually considered going to this competition but have already had members pay their competition fees and Jamfest is more expensive than the previous competition they had budgeted for! But we will be a UOP for Jamz on the 28 and also American Championships in San Jose. Our Senior 5 team is working very hard. We have some amazing tumblers this year with great passes. I feel we are really coming up in to Level 5 =)
We like Jamfest, but we're not going this year because their cost per cheerleader is too high and our gym is trying to keep competition fees down. We would rather go to more competitions that cost less than fewer competitions that cost more, if that makes sense. It's nice to have free admission for spectators but they do make up for it by charging more per cheerleader.