You guys have no idea how much I love you too!!!!!
No, we're not going to Florida. I can't afford gas right now, let along a plane ticket.
But I think I'm gonna live on the edge and wear the tshirt to the mall though. Might be exciting.
hehehehehe (I'm in quite the mood tonight)
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!
PS The discs with the pics went to Little Miss California today. We took so many pics that I had to put them on 4 discs. I suggest you store them on an external hardrive. They are huge. I didn't go thru them so I have no idea what's on there......
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!
SERIOUSLY OC MOM WELL SAID!! i at first didnt know what the hand on the front of the shirt meant...but after somebody clarified it...i honestly dont see what the big deal is. i COMPLETELY understand where you all are comming from like jenny...but just because we are lucky enough to live in a safer place where we dont have to worry about what color we wear or what hand sign on our shirts doesnt make us ignorant or blind to whats going on in the world. i think OC mom said it PERFECTLY but all the fuss might as well be over and done with cause didnt the man just say he was making an alternative!
This has been a great topic of discussion. Thanks to everyone for chiming in! Here is the alternative shirt design. John says that both will be available. Danny
Danny Kahn
"If you're injured don't play. If you play don't tell me you're injured." ~ Don Shula
Alex, you obviously live in a safe environment. You are very ignorant to what the shirt could actually mean to other people. I am sorry. Gang signs and all may seem "cool" to you, but in the real world, it means trouble.
I don't think you could call East Side San Jose "a safe enviornment" or "sheltered." Trust me, the kid isn't "ignorant" to what any gang sign could mean. Just a thought, know where a kid's from before you throw ignorant into the mix.
Alex, I agree with you. And I love you. See ya later little bro.
I never lived on the east side of San Jose, but I worked there and lived in San Jose for 20 years. By NO MEANS is it a sheltered, safe place to live. I never felt unsafe there but it was the place where the most crime and family disturbances occured. Oh Alex, my dear, by no means are you ignorant to the ways of the world.
And by the way, I would be the WORST person to go to the mall with. Don't yell at me for this, but I HATE to shop. I said it. Now you all know. But when you're chuncky, the mall isn't a fun place to be. (except when you're in the food court. ) GASP..... DID I JUST SAY THAT OUTLOUD??????
Oh, Danny, John and Megan, the alternate design is WONDERFUL. Very very nice designs and ideas, I must admit.
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student! do we order the shirt of our choice? My kids, and a few others that were at open gym tonight LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirt and for sure will want the original shirt.
How about this..... if you live in a world where you know more about gangs than the rest of us, as some do, then don't buy the shirt. Apparently you shouldn't wear blue, red, purple or green cause it means something and the way you wear your hair and hold your hands means something else. JUST DONT WEAR IT...... plain and simple.
If you live in a world where you are wearing it to a cheer event only, then buy it and wear it. You may get it in blue, red, purple and green. And all at once if you're not afraid of someone thinking you may be wearing the rainbow and thinking something "else" about you.
I am NOT NOT NOT NOT in any way saying that I disagree with anyone or agreeing with anyone, but just like EVERYTHING ELSE in life, the choice is yours. But you're running out of time to come up with something better and so this is it. Wear it or don't.
Not everyone lives where you have to worry if you're in a gang or if you're gay or if you're different from others. Some of us live where you can wear the color you want and be who you want to be. Lucky? Maybe. But not ignorant. The tone of some of the posts are borderline to me and I KNOW some will get their panties bunched over my post, but don't for one second think I don't know what's going on in the world. But I also know that it's my choice. And if I agree, I wear it. And if I don't, I don't.
PS... being involved in law enforcement is great but not all of our neighborhoods are the same. It's up to the parents to monitor their kids clothing. If you don't want them to wear it, then don't let them. I could throw out the "law enforcement" card too, but knowing better means just making more educated choices. Wear it at the competition and no where else. That's not too hard to do, is it? I'm sorry to the people who put so much time and effort in to designing the shirt. I'm sure no one intended to degrade your design. I, for one, like that it's different and will stand out. And I would let my child wear it AT THE COMPETITION.
And this is only MY opinion. It means NOTHING. I know I'm going to get it. Ok, so shoot away, I'm ready..... (no pun intended)
Oh Kris you are soooo sweet to call me little. I was so overcome with joy at being called little that I just had to run downstairs to get a Mr good bar out of my hidden stash and eat it. I gained 1/2 a pound but whatever you still called me little.
Thank you soooo much for the pics I can't wait to see them.
OC Mom wrote:
Ok, that's disgusting.
PS The discs with the pics went to Little Miss California today. We took so many pics that I had to put them on 4 discs. I suggest you store them on an external hardrive. They are huge. I didn't go thru them so I have no idea what's on there......
Alex, you obviously live in a safe environment. You are very ignorant to what the shirt could actually mean to other people. I am sorry. Gang signs and all may seem "cool" to you, but in the real world, it means trouble.
I don't think you could call East Side San Jose "a safe enviornment" or "sheltered." Trust me, the kid isn't "ignorant" to what any gang sign could mean. Just a thought, know where a kid's from before you throw ignorant into the mix.
Alex, I agree with you. And I love you. See ya later little bro.
I meant he is ignorant to want to wear a gang sign on his shirt. That is his choice, nobody is stopping him. I'm over this topic.
Jenny, we love you very much. Your opinion is yours and if you feel a certain way, then you are not wrong. Your opinion isn't hurting anyone and if I happen to disagree or agree with you, it doesn't change the fact that I LOVE IT when you post here and am happy to call you my friend.
Please always remember that.....
My mom always had this saying posted over her desk at work...
"People who think they know it all, really annoy the rest of us who do."
As for Little Miss California, you ARE little. You will always be little to me. It's cause you're so damn cute. I always call people little when I care for them. I heard it once on the movie, Lorenzos Oil, I believe. The little boy called his dad, My Little Daddy. It doesn't matter how big you are, you're always little and cute to those who love you. Now, when I call Dan little, he sayd, "HEY HEY HEY, THAT'S NOT S,OMETHING WE TELL EVERYONE. " HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!