If this won't make you dizzy, I don't know what will. Let me know your opinion on passing down bids after you read this one. I have no information that these bids are actually being passed down, but IF they do this is how it would go.
Athletic Championships was 1st company to give bids (Nov) in Georgia. It was a very small competition with 12 teams contending for bids. If Athletic Championships passes down bids this is how it would look today, after 14 companies have given out bids.
2 Full Paid Bids: -Cheer Extreme Limited Coed (9.59) also received @large bid WCA in Dec, who will get that bid? -Georgia All Stars Large Coed (9.69) received paid bid from American Grand Championships, bid passes to -Kentucky Elite Large All Girl (9.41)
4 At Large Bids: (only 2 @large bids are listed on USASF. What happened to the other 2 @large bids?)
-Force Elite Limited Coed (9.34). Received @large Cheersport, which one will they take? -Kentucky Elite Large Coed (9.50) Declined, would pass to -Stingray Large All Girl (9.22) -Pro Cheer Limited Coed (9.20) received paid bid Cheersport -Cheer Extreme Large Senior (9.18) received paid bid WCA -Cheer Savannah All Stars Small Senior (8.93) received @large bid Cheersport -Force Elite Small Senior (8.87) received @large bid Cheersport -All Star Panthers Large Senior (8.74) received @large bid NCA -Premier Asheville Cats Small Senior (8.59) so does this last team receive one of the 2 remaining @large bids?
There are no more teams to take the 4th @large bid. And what if Cheer Savannah or Force Elite had to take these @large bids instead of Cheersport @large bids? Who would get their @large bids from Cheersport?
Is your head spinning yet?
-- Edited by Worlds Watcher at 11:30, 2007-02-25
"Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak."
Acts 13:14-16
I think it's crazy. In my opinion, if you didn't earn a bid, you shouldn't be able to get one passed down to you. I don't have a problem with passing down a paid bid to a team that earned an at-large bid, but I don't think that that at-large bid should then be able to be handed down to a team that didn't earn a bid to start with. If you look at some of the teams that already have bids, and where they've placed at various nationals and regionals so far this year...the field for Worlds is already watered down with just the sheer number of bids they're giving out, and that's before all the hand-me-downs.