Hey guys!!! great practice on Wednesday!! but i truley think that we have to push our selfs a little bit more for our upcoming comp, Georgia. the elites were great but i think all of the stunts that fell could have been better than that. i mean that we stuck all of them in stockton so that gives all of us no right to drop them at practice. but great job to those elites!! for tumbling at practice we did some but not a lot. for the people on JB that got there tumbling taken out it was for a reason. ( not to be rude) just like angie said if you can not land it then it is out for georgia. the pyramids are looking great!!! but i think that just a little bit more we have to PUSH OUR SELFS . Great job at practice but this upcoming practice on wednesday try a little bit harder each time we do a full out routine so that we can improve our skilz!!! great job!! keep it up!!
Yah I agree, I think if we try our absolute hardest, we CAN make a statement. But we seriously need to cut down on talking at practice. Like if one of our team mates asks us to stop talking, just stop. We don't have to wait for Angie to tell us. If we just give it our all at these last practices, we will kick BUTT in GA. We need to make all those teams know who we are. And how good we are. And make them want more.
Yes I totally agree! We really need to push ourselves and also take a step up!!! Come on you guys we have done it before and we can do it again!!! Have confidence about Geogia we got this!! Lets do this thang and make a GOOD statement at practice as well as comp.!!!! ~Court HWBDYWI?