A friend needs help!! I encourage ALL of the cheerleading communities around the world to come together and help a little girl with a sickness. Bladez will be starting a fundraiser to help this adorable little girl stay alive. Please go on our website and read all about how you can help. We ask a lot from our community, its our turn to give back. I hope this story touches your heart as it did ours.
Come on cheerleaders, parents and coaches. Lets make a difference!
Thank you in Advanced, Coach Orby Bladezcheer.com "NEWS Section"
Thank you for bringing this to all of our attention.
I am so glad that Treasure finally got the correct diagnosis and is now on the right path to being well.
I hope that her family will be able to fundraise all the money she needs. I will be sending a check, small compared to what she needs, but even the small stuff adds up.