Since American Championships was bought out by varsity is the scoring going to be different in las vegas this year? I couldnt find anything really on the website except the score sheet, does anyone know?
Grrr wrote: That just sucks so much because I cant stand varsity
Do you have a problem with NCA? They've been varsity for awhile now. The companies are not turning into uca clones. For the most part, it should be business as usual.
Coach wrote: There is no technical merit. It's a plain flat out score sheet. I know, I'm judging.
It's true. I'm judging as well this year for AC and there's only the regular score sheet and then a seperate deduction sheet.
But there are seperate sheets now per level and per coed/all-girl instead of just one standard sheet. On the coed sheets there is a "coed stunt" section as well as the regular stunt section. So those coed teams that don't actually coed stunt are being/will be docked accordingly. It all works out in the end, I think. I did like the technical merit section though. I think it really rewarded teams that pushed the envelope while still allowing for normal scoring with the standard sheet. I'm sad they did away with it.