Yesterday I had the unfortunate opportunity to read Morton's post before it got deleted. While I was reading it, I could picture you, Morton, writing that message. It made me cry. I cannot believe people would be so hurtful after all you two have done for this industry and all involved..the kids, the parents, ect. You two have never treated this company like a "business." In our five years at Pyramids, you have always treated us like family. I just wanted to personally tell you how sorry I was to see/hear all the negative comments said about you, your character and your integrity. It is appalling! I just want you to know that we sincerely love and respect you both for all you have done for us and Mikaila over the years. You have been there to hug in good times and there to vent and listen when we have had concerns. For all of this, we thank you. You have given our family so much more than just trophies and you have taught Mikaila so many life lessons beyond cheerleading, we are forever grateful.
I never saw the post but knowing how spiteful people can be I can only imagine. Cheergyms is a blessing to our family and Jessica and Nicki are so happy being a part of cheergyms that they could never imagine cheering anywhere else. You help more kids through the tough growing up years than you will ever know. You are such a huge part of our life and family and we could not be prouder than to call you all family.
We did not see the post, but want you to know how great Pyramids and all of has been for MacKenzie. I know there is truly no place on earth that she would rather be than at the gym or at a competition, with everyone. This has been such a possitive experience for her and I know she is so excited to have so many years of this ahead of her. We greatly admire all of you at the gym, and everything you have done for MacKenzie.