Hey~ what's up guys! I am so glad to hear that things are rolling sooner this year for the college teams! I know when we were in Dallas last season there was talk about puting the all-girl and coed together to make a big coed squad.. and then I see that there are a possible 72 spots open for cheerladers, so... How many teams are we having this year? same as last or are you guys gonna spring somethin new on us? Can't wait to see everyone... and I am so glad that we all got together at open gym like we said we would between seasons!!.. What the HEY! or did everyone send that e-mail to the wrong address?? new e-mail: abby_niles@yahoo.com. Later!
I can't wait to be apart of the all girl team this year! It's gonna feel great getting back on the floor. If your from antioch and want to car pool give me ashout out at Dancindivaaudra@yahoo.com!