Did my subject area get you to look? I thought it might. Over the last 6 years the cheergyms.com world has gotten used to seeing UCF and Royal All-stars in the limelightand not in a good way. Hey cheer world! Guess what?? UCF staff and cheerleaders and Royal staff and cheerleaders are completely above any trash talk and ridiculous name calling. Our two gyms have much more class to wage a war on each other or anyone else for that matter.
The next time you attend a competition with these two gyms, notice how the UCF cheerleaders sit with the Royal parents to rout for their Royal friends. Then notice how the Royal cheerleaders rout for the UCF cheerleaders. You might be surprised that even though their may be a rivalry (hey its competitive cheer) the friendships are there.
Both gyms are committed to ensure a quality program for their cheerleaders and their families. We SALUTE both gyms this season!