A lot of times we talk about how unfair it is to compare the current Small division teams against a Large Division teams. Well I was looking through some old videos and found one of my favorite of our Super Large teams before the rules were changed.
Therer are 58 people on the floor. They competed Level 3. This team is our 1-2 month team that we create for all the High School and Middle School cheerleaders at the end of the year who may not cheer All Stars to come and check us out.
In one word... amazing. What a great way to reach out to the school community, promote your gym, and get girls from rival schools to work together and make friends. This is a great idea!! Super KUDOS to your gym!!
Thanks. Timing was a little off on some of the passes on Day 1. They fixed it on the 2nd day. This program is an excellent way to not only bring new people into your gym, but to market your program to the community. We have some kids who return every year just to do this program. The challenges now are to put them in a Division where they will not compete against one of our year round teams. We even have had kids from other Alll Star programs cheer on this team.
Last year we ended up have two of these teams, a Senior Small 3 and a Junior Large 3, while our year round team competed Senior Large 3.