3rd - ACE Warriors: Love the style and choreography. They don't have the same skill level as teams like TG or Cheer Athletics but they more than make up for it with the show they always put on. Fun routines to watch.
2nd - Top Gun: Near impossible to match the routine they had last year but they are on their way to doing just that. Cheer Athletcis had more skills than them at worlds last year but TG still came out on top because the routine wa just that much better...and thats no easy feat when going up against a CA routine.
1st - Spirit of Texas: The most polished team in the country, hands down. Great choreography, great skills and the cleanest team on earth.
"I have no time to converse with you, I must be first to register my disgust on the internet regarding the new McBane film" - Comic Book Guy
The Original Fierce has a small senior 5 team. Not coed 5.
fierce liv is their international and it is coed.
I see, thanks , I thought we were only talking about senior teams, my mistake. Thanks for clearing it up. What does Liv mean by the way?
All of Fierce's teams start with the letter "L". (Liv, Legend, Legacy, Ladies, Lady Jags, Leopards, and Ladybugs) Coach Sam always tells the girls "LIV in your routine girls! Work it" etc. So, he decided what better name for the international team, than "Liv". Its just part of our Fierce language. The kids, and the staff make up their own words, and sayings all the time. I love it. I think it's great for the moral of the teams as well as the relationships between the kids and their coaches. Back when Fierce first started 04-05, they had one team. It was a large sr. lev 5. The kids and coaches agreed that "Legend" was the perfect name, so thats where it started. The second year 05-06 they had large senior 5 (Legend), and senior coed lev 3; Ladies. As they began their 3rd season they grew from 2 teams to 5. Large sr. 5-Legend, large sr. 4-Legacy, small senior 3- Ladies, small senior 2-Liberty, and small youth 1-Ladybugs. Now, this season we have added LIV- international coed- 5, small Jr. 2- Leopards, and changed Liberty to Lady Jags (we like it better ) As the years go on, we have to come up with more creative names. Its just been something fun. And yes, there is a Fierce cheer elite, they are in no way affiliated with Fierce All Stars. That program started 2 years ago, and they are based in N. Calif. We are in S. Cal. Thank you for all the positive comments
Ace Warriors the year they had the counrty themed routine. I do not think i have ever seen a more ENTERTAINING routine as that one was. Nobody else has topped it yet for me. (but i am a hugel Ace of Alabama fan so thats probablly why)