in case you don't want to / can't open the pdf file tentative schedule tiny 1 university cheer force rebels elite extreme cheer fusion allstars riptide allstars
mini 1 (9 teams) ymca rebels power cheer explosion black diamond allstars aerial gymnastics airborne cheer cheer with a twist extreme cheer sierra spirit cheerleading
small youth 1 (8 teams) airborne cheer elite spirit allstars rebels elite santa rosa elite ymca rebels riptide allstars legends allstars black diamond allstars
large youth 1 fusion allstars
small junior 1 black diamond allstars cheertyme all star cheer and dance riptide allstars cheer with a twist
senior 1 fusion allstars
mini 2 fusion allstars power
small youth 2 starstruck allstars fusion allstars sierra spirit cheerleading cheer explosion allstars
large youth 2 university cheer force small junior 2 (6 teams) airborne cheer extreme cheer sierra spirit cheerleading x treme allstars cheer with a twist power
large junior 2 legends allstars
senior open 2 chico cheer all star elements power
small senior 2 cheer explosion starstruck station 1 athletic allstars
large senior 2 legends allstars handspring gymnastics fusion allstars
small youth 3 nor cal elite
small junior 3 cheer explosion rebels elite
large junior 3 university cheer force riptide allstars cheer zone allstars
senior open 3 alpha and omega power
small senior 3 (6 teams) cheer with a twist cheertyme all star cheer and dance sierra spirit cheerleading starstruck allstars ymca rebels cheer xplosion allstars
large senior 3 nor cal elite
senior coed 3 fusion allstars legends allstars nor cal elite
senior open 4 university cheer force station 1 athletic allstars
You are correct our Mini. youth and Juniors are in Sac for UCA and our Senior 2, 3 and 5 are in Palm Springs the week before. Thanks for asking! Goodluck everybody!
This competition is turning out to be better than I thought it would be; I was afraid a lot of gyms were not going to UCA comps anymore. Looking forward to seeing some of my usual favs (Power, Starstruck, NCE, CheerXplosion, Fusion, Riptide, CWAT, UCF) to name a few, and there are some I've never heard of that will be fun to see.
Don't forget the All Star and High School Dance and High School Cheer Divisions!! Starstruck and CheerTyme's dance teams are so entertaining. And Napa HS Jazz and Pom teams are AMAZING. GBHS and Liberty are always so talented! Should be a fun day filled with lots of talent and FRIENDLY, CLASSY, SUPPORTIVE competition!
Can't wait to see those I have yet to see this season and to see the changes/improvements of the teams that we see on a regular basis!