good job jr. gold on practice tonight. we got a lot done and alot of new skills where thrown. i'm so excited to be going level, we worked hard for it!! just keep on practicing the opening stunt an we got it down! special concragulations to Carly, Olivia, Callie, and and Morgan (that was kinda after practice) and if i missed you, well sorry, but i love you!! just wanna say good job!
i don't know what to write in this little palce but i'm just gonna say
I totally agree good job to everyone last practice! (Wednesday) It was tough but I know we will be able to pull through. I wanted to congrat to everyone who threw a new tumbling skill. That shows that we can push ourselves to the limit.
good job every one wednesday was a really hard practice we all did a great job tumbling and stunting changed alot and much harder so great job on that well lets keep it up lets show every one sunday how hard we worked u guys!
Taylor ....little sister to Sydney.....but big sis to Amanda and Jesse!