I know it has been discussed on here before that basket tosses are becoming a boring part of level 5 routines. Any level 5 team comes on the floor they set for baskets and what do ya know, kick doubles! But to max out the score sheets they have to have them... Since most level 5 teams have mastered kick doubles do you think that the rules will ever change and allow level 5 teams to flip in basket tosses? I think allowing just flipping in baskets and no twisting would be a good progression for cheerleaders who plan to continue to cheer for college and college open allstar teams. So lets hear some opinions...
btw i really like the basket that the boy on AA coed does! Good job cheergyms for putting in a difficult basket that isn't a kick double
Oak ridge high school (when they competed level 5 co-ed) had amazaing baskets. Simple toe touch but so high...now if they did the full up toe touch with them that high....awesome.
i was at the americna grand comp this past weekend and was literally AMAZED by california allstars LV5 baskets..all their lv5 teams did kick double baskets full squad and their coeds baskets were sooo amazingly high clean and pretty..they all went on teh same count and were near flawless.