Just curious if there are any high school cheer parents on here. We are in our second year of high school cheer. We may be going back to all stars as well. She did both last year.
Just curious how your school works. Do they allow your kids to do both all star and school? How much do you pay and for what? Where do you practice? How often? Do you attend the games?
We love going to the games on Friday night. Our school does fairly well in football so that helps. The girls don't have to do too much since they compete as well. We don't want them to hurt themselves for comp season. But they do stunt some and tumble a little. They don't do a halftime show. They get to do whatever they want at halftime.
It costs us $2500 total, incuding 3 uniforms, comp fees, gym fees and coach fees. They practice game stuff at school and it's their last class. They don't do PE. Once a week during football season is when they practice at the all star gym and tumble and stunt. Then they are encouraged to tumble an extra day and get a special rate if they do it at the OC gym. But they can go where they wish.
You aren't allowed to be on Varsity if you're a freshman. When you try out, the top 20 scores make Varsity and second 20 make JV. Seniors aren't allowed to be on JV as well.
Well, just curious how everyone else does. We don't have a comp schedule yet, so I can't talk about that.
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!
Ok, sorry guys, i put this on Pyramids board on accident..... how, I don't know. I will move it though.
xoxoxoxoxo Kris
OC Mom, Mom of 5 great kids! A cheerleader/softball player, a RETIRED cheerleader, a football/baseball player, 1 Airman and future Police Officer and one college student!
i was going to leave allstar cheer for high school cheer but i change my mind the day of high school sighn ups because i love allstar cheer too much to give it up