Congrats to McKenzie Burke and Vanessa King, today they moved up to level 2 tumbling class. Way to work so hard girls. Keep working the basic skills and start working the harder skills!!!
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney
McKenzie way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your whole family is so proud of you. Remember at tryouts you said, "This is going to be my year." Well, I think your right! We love you and keep up the hard work.
Great Job Sis! I love you very much, and I'm so proud of you. I hope one day Bay, you, and I can all be on the same team. I know you have a little fear when you do your double back handspring, but don't worry I know you can do it! After that you can add that TUCK. hehe. Keep on - Keeping on! Love ya